After getting back from a disapointing race in Caorle, I decided to take part in my first crit race ever. A crit is a points race. The night crit consisted of 35×1,2km and every 5 laps there was a sprint to get points. As it was my first I didn’t quite know what to expect and I tried to sprint every time ( so 7x) which was probably not the best strategy because it took me a lot of energy for only 1 or 2 points sometimes. Around half way I attacked and managed to get away with two other girls which was great because it meant we would all surely have points if we stayed away.
Before the last sprint I was in the lead, but having spent so much energy trying to attack and sprint all the time I had nothing left to compete against the other two girls. I ended up with 20 points which was the same as the winner but as the last sprint would count in case of a draw the other girl won. It was a good training and a nice first expercience, I’ll be back for some more crit racing for sure.